Apple Orchard
Planted By: JustHappy2Cya
Find Date: (undisclosed)
Find #: 78
Comments: I went to this box alone. Very peaceful and reverent location. Terriffic clues! But, scary as hell for a single woman to go alone in near darkness. I was berating myself for going here alone, telling myself how stupid I was and just plain freaking myself out, when all of a sudden there was a huge crashing sound! EEK! Scared me even more! Turned out it was a deer running across the path, not a pyscho-killer. Whew. I'm not cut out for boxing alone in the woods. I have to stick to the urban boxes for that!
Singing Frogs
Planted By: Familyof6
Find Date: 6/29/2007
Find #: 77
Comments: I went alone to this box. It was getting late in the day and I wanted to make another stop before it got dark, so I cheated and "drove the clues" most of the way. The placement was really cool and the stamp is fantastic! I wish I had time to get the rest of Familyof6's boxes in this area. I'll have to come back.
M-166's Scenic Gem

Planted By: familyof6
Find Date: n/a
Find #: n/a
Comments: Another box that I went to alone. Again, I found the place, couldn't break the code. I used to think that I was good any ciphers and such. But apparently not! This place is truly a gem, though. Gorgeous location. I'll keep working on it and figure it out eventually!
The Roadside Table
Planted By: SpringChick
Find Date: n/a
Find #: n/a
Comments: I went out alone to find this box but failed in the attempt! I found the place and tried for a long, long time to break the code, to no avail. One of these days I'll figure it out. It has been found since my attempt, so it must be doable!
Sunshine Box
Planted By: JustHappy2Cya
Find Date: n/a
Find #: n/a
Comments: I went to this one alone. I figure out that I'm not a huge fan of solo-boxing! I left a message with my whereabouts on my answering machine "Just in Case", but I wasn't thrilled about the added dangers (real or perceived) of being alone in the middle of "nowhere" without anyone really knowing where I was. I was able to find the right place for this box and the right "general area of hiding spot" but I couldn't find the actual box. I think the heat, the bugs and my nerves contributed to me giving up earlier than I should have. Someone else found this box a few weeks after me, so it's definitely there! I'll have to go back sometime.
I-75 Rest Area Series - box 3
Planted By: Eric & Donna
Find Date: 6/17/2007
Find #: 76
Comments: Last box in the series for us. We skipped box #1 because it was too far south on I-75 and we didn't pass it. Had a harder time finding this box because we made a bad assumption/misinterpretation about which trail we were supposed to follow. But, found it eventually!
I-75 Rest Area Series - box 2
Planted By: Eric & Donna
Find Date: 6/17/2007
Find #: 75
Comments: Another nice diversion! Skydancer getting annoyed at all our stops. "Are looking for another box???" This is a nice series, I wish there were boxes at all the rest areas. The only thing I'd suggest is to make the images more unique/not so similar to the others in the series. But, who am I to complain!? They are hand carved and original stamps!
The Sound Of Music
Planted By: Books & Traveling
Find Date: 6/17/2007
Find #: 74
Comments: Our "three hour drive" home from Evart was on about hour 5 by now; PoPo's daughter SkydancerCrystal had finally recovered from not being able to go to the fountain at the RR #1 box. In order to minimize further drama, we "cheated" and drove the clues to this box, rather than walking. I've never been to downtown Midland. Very nice place! That courthouse is awesome! Very cute Santa house, too. The clues to this box are very fun and inventive to follow along with. The relief image is sweet! Nice place. Weirdest thing happened at this box, we found it intact and in place, but there was no log book inside. The stamp was there, but no book! Weird. Maybe someone accidentally put it in their bag when they logged in last time. Who knows! Left some paper behind for future log-ins and emailed the placer. Cute stamp.
RR #1 - Pere Marquette
Planted By: Windrose
Find Date: 6/17/2007
Find #: 73
Comments: Found the first box in this series. We weren't in the areas of the other boxes, but will have to make a trip back up north to find the others. Very cool "monopoly" box and stamp. Major, major drama from PoPo's daughter because we refused to let her play in the really cool fountain! This walk was a lot longer than we expected and it was super hot! Really cool place, though.
Pop Pop's Gone Fishing
Planted By: LindaFay
Find Date: 6/17/2007
Find #: 72
Comments: Excellent stamp! Very nice tribute box for LindaFay's dad, planted near his final resting spot. Very ingenious "box" and planting spot! Love the log book, too. We appropriately visited this box on Father's Day.
Duck Hunters Memorial
Planted By: Mackinaw
Find Date: 6/17/2007
Find #: 71
Comments: Had a really hard time finding the starting spot for this box. I knew where I was supposed to go, but not exactly where it was. Got off the main highway way too soon and stopped at the wrong trail head at first. Nice rail trail system! Very, very busy! Had to wait a long time for people to leave so we could pull the box out. Got a little confused by the small trail, but eventually found it. Had to wait a long time again for other people to leave so we could put it back. This should have been a quickie stop, but it took about 45 minutes! Fortunately, it is a very pleasant place. Great view.
Paper Moon
Planted By: Munchkin Stamper
Find Date: 6/17/2007
Find #: 70
Comments: Very ingenious placement of this box! The property owner was outside putsing around right where the box was. We weren't sure if she knew where it was, but it turns out she did. I managed to get the box out without her knowing, but we figured she'd wonder why we were sitting in the car in the parking lot for so long if she didn't know. I did ask some weird questions of her and she finally realized we were letterboxers. Glad she knew about it! Considering the placement, we figured she had to know, but you never can tell. Cute stamp and a nice diversion on our way home from Evart.
Little Mac
Planted By: Thumb's Up!
Find Date: 6/16/2007
Find #: 69
Comments: Found this one after the Old Rugged Cross box. That's a cool bridge, but it is pretty scary to walk across! Ms. Metz's tree is really cool, although if it was supposed to have a sign or plaque, I never saw it! Nice stamp!
The Old Rugged Cross
Planted By: Thumb's Up!
Find Date: 6/16/2007
Find #: 68
Comments: We went up to Evart for the weekend to visit with PoPoBullyGirl's family. While "up north" we decided to do some letterboxing. So, we headed over to Reed City. Met some other letterboxers in the parking lot! That's a first for us! You'd think that would happen in the Metro Detroit area, not up here in the country. Nice stamp and location.
Oh, yeah! I also planted the Only You... part 2 box somewhere in this county today! I wonder where it is??? Hmm.
I-75 Rest Area Series - box 4
Planted By: Eric & Donna
Find Date: 6/15/2007
Find #: 67
Comments: Nice diversion while taking a potty break! This is a really nice rest area! I've never stopped at this one before. Cute stamp.
The "Duck" stops here
Planted By: PoPoBullyGirl
Find Date: 6/15/2007
Find #: 66
Comments: PoPoBullyGirl's second plant! Cool roadside park. I never noticed it before. Another really cool life-sized stamp! There's a great scrapbooking/stamping store right around the corner from here. I think you will come out behind the store if you continue along the trail rather than turning around to return to your car.
Watching From the Woods
Planted By: PoPoBullyGirl
Find Date: 6/14/2007
Find #: 65
Comments: This is PoPoBullyGirl's first plant. I had intended to find it without her knowing so that it would be a surprise when she checked the log at some date in the future. But, as it turned out, there was a major landmark noted in her clues that was removed about 3 days after she planted the box! So, I had to tell her I went to find it so that I could tell her about the change in the clues. Oh well! This is a really nice trail system. I never knew there was a lake back here. Pretty place! Great, cryptic clues keep you guessing if you're on the right track. I love the cool "life-sized" stamp image.
Knight in Shining Armor
Planted By: Mom and kids
Find Date: 6/3/2007
Find #: 64
Comments: Another box found on the way home from the gathering. Cool nature preserve! We "broke the law" and continued on the boardwalk even though there was a "closed due to flooding/repairs" sign blocking the way. We didn't run into any problems, though. Found a Detroit Tigers hitchhiker. After we found the box, we went back into the nature center to look around. There was a sign in there that all of the trails are under video surveillance! I wonder if they caught us on camera going past that sign or stamping in??? Yikes! No one yelled at us, so if they did catch us on tape, they didn't watch in in real-time. Not to gross you out, but beware of the goose poop while you're here! It's everywhere!
Fun in the Sun
Planted By: roXXzilla
Find Date: 6/3/2007
Find #: 63
Comments: Another stop on the way home from the gathering. Started pouring! Very busy park. Misinterpreted the clues at first and tried to find the box in the wrong place at first, even though there weren't enough benches. Finally found it, but had to wait an eternity for this dog walker guy to go away.
Ay Ziggy Zoomba
Planted By: TJ_Mich
Find Date: 6/3/2007
Find #: 62
Comments: Bowling Green University. Stopped on our way home from the gathering. Cute stamp of the school mascot. I expected "Ziggy". LOL This box was another lesson in making sure you read the clues! Spent a long time looking in the wrong spot because we didn't read them properly. Anyway, nice diversion from the freeway.
Leggo My Lego
Planted By: trailtracker
Find Date: 6/2/2007
Find #: 61
Comments: Continuation of trailtrackers' series. Found the first box with no trouble. On to the second box. We looked and looked and looked, to no avail. It was getting late, almost time for dinner, we were tired and dehydrated. We decided to skip this box and go on to the Barbie series. But, we messed up something major and couldn't get back on track. We thought we followed the clues right, but ended up at a dead end at the lake. I don't think trailtracker wanted us to swim to the box! Anyway, we got lost good. We were all tired and crabby and we couldn't find our way out! There were a lot of twists and turns in this part of the park. We finally found our way out and found the place where I had planted the Only You box the night before. We "unplanted" Smokey and took him back to the gathering with us so we wouldn't have to pick him up Sunday before we left. All in all, we decided we spent way too much time at the gathering place doing exchanges and stamping event stamps. It was a blast to meet everyone, but there were so many cool stamps that were planted in the area that we missed out on!
I Love Lucy Show
Planted By: trailtracker
Find Date: 6/2/2007
Find #: 59-60
Comments: trailtracker had a 7 box "series" on this trail system, it was really 3 separate series, but you were supposed to find them in order. We found these two boxes with no trouble.... Very good stamps! Tons of poison ivy! Ack.
1950's Disney Series
Planted By: bunnyslippers
Find Date: 6/2/2007
Find #: 54-58
Comments: Very cute, 5 box series right near the gathering location. Accidentally found box #3 the night before while looking for a place to plant my box. Didn't stamp in until the next day. When we went to "officially" find that box, it was MISSING!! I couldn't believe it. But, while we were stamping into box 4, we saw Trailstompers and Trailtracker bringing box 3 back.
Wayward Wanders
Planted By: Double Dragon
Find Date: 6/2/2007
Find #: 53
Comments: Had to figure out the clues to find DoubleDragon's campsite to get the clues for this box. This box was hidden off the trails near her site. Awesome stamp of a tree with a lady hidden in the trunk. Trail Troll and her buds followed us to the campsite, thinking they were following us to the exit of the campground. They had figured out the campsite ahead of time, too, so we didn't give anything away. Ran into Doodle & Deedle Bug at the box.
Big Truck Bigger Heart
Planted By: naturegirl OO
Find Date: 6/2/2007
Find #: 52
Comments: Found this box at naturegirl's campsite while attending the Great Lakes Cluez In Gathering.
Peace With Nature
Planted By: Trailtroll (adopted)
Find Date: 5/5/2007
Find #: 51
Comments: We divined our way to this box. We found the Knowledge is Pleasant box first which is off the same Rail Trail. A lot of the landmarks for this box have changed, but we were able to figure it out after a while. There was a whole group of people hanging out. Took forever for them to finally leave so we could find the box. Cute little stamp. Nice place! See, this is really close to the place that creeped me out, but now I think it's really cool! It's all a matter of first impressions and how you view it, I guess. If the Knowledge box clues brought us in the back way, rather than in by that building and weird lake, it would have been much better! There was a nesting duck really close to the trail!
Knowledge is Pleasant
Planted By: Lake Norcentra Trail
Find Date: 5/5/2007
Find #: 50
Comments: Maybe it was because it was late in the day and getting darker, maybe it was because we entered the college next to a building that was in disrepair, maybe it was the weird island in the middle of the lake with the large falling down cross, maybe it was all those things together. But, this place creeped me out! The BBQ pit was pretty cool, but again kind of creepy when in context with everything else. This would be a great place for one of those B or C level horror flicks. In the back of my mind, I can see that this place could be really beautiful with the gully, trees and river. But, something about it struck us wrong that day! And to top it all off, the stamp was a pre-made auto-inked stamper thing that just had words on it. It was a pretty stupid stamp. In general, I really don't mind store bought stamps, as long as they're artistic or fit with the theme. And this did "technically" fit with the placement at the school. But, it was really pretty lame. Sorry, no offense to the placers!
For Love of the Game
Planted By: The little Rings
Find Date: 5/5/2007
Find #: 49
Comments: Another box where we got caught up and confused in some of the wording. But, we worked it out eventually! That definately was a "Mighty Casey" Nice tribute box.
Guardians' Point
Planted By: TrailTroll (adopted)
Find Date: 5/5/2007
Find #: 48
Comments: WOW! We had a hard time with this! You really have to be observant and think outside of the box on this one. We skipped ahead in the clues and managed to find our way to the box, though. Nice memorial!
Letterbox of Piglet
Chief Pontiac
Planted By: TrailTroll
Find Date: 5/5/2007
Find #: 46
Comments: (I just realized while writing this blog that we found this box on its 2 year anniversary!) Very cool stamp! We never did see the rocket ship! The trail head is basically invisible from where you park. The place was crowded and we thought we looked like jackasses walking toward the tree line where there appeared to be nothing. Then, all of a sudden you could see the trail! Cool. I saw some really cool plant here. It looked dead, but then there were these flowers or leaves bursting into life off the dead ends. Very bizarre. I posted a picture, anyone know what this is? Had another run in with a garter snake! Getting used to them now. Good clues. Quick find, and still very muddy!
Season's Letterbox - Spring Box
Planted By: Sealpoint
Find Date: 4/22/2007
Find #: 45
Comments: Today was 2nd attempt day. Went back to look for the 4th box in this series that alluded us back in December. We were successful this time! We both specifically remember looking in the place that we found it, so we are 100% convinced that the box was not in place while we were looking for it the first time. Unfortunately, the logbooks were filling up and the placer replaced them right after we were there in December, so we couldn't tell for sure if someone else was out there the same day as us. We saw other people in the park, but no one was in the area while we were looking for the spring box and no one looked suspicious! I guess we'll never know the truth about what happened. But, I SWEAR it wasn't there. Anyway, glad it was there this time.
Wandering in the Wetlands (box 3)
Planted By: Trail Troll
Find Date: 4/22/2007
Find #: 44
Comments: WOW, Camo tape rocks. We did manage to find this box on our second attempt, but it was HARD! That damn box was right out in the open, in plain sight and it took us forever to find it. There are a bunch of trees that could maybe fit the clues, so we weren't positive of the exact place we should look. But, we searched and searched and searched around and under and near every single possible tree in this area. This was the exact same area we searched and searched and searched back in November on our first attempt. We almost gave up a second time even though TT had confirmed that it was in place. Then, lo and behold, there it was!! I found it! Sweet victory! I swear it wasn't hidden or covered by anything but the tape. It was nearly impossible to see. Very cute stamp, well worth the second attempt. I didn't even fall and hurt myself this time! WooHoo! The woodland creature isn't the one I was expecting to see, but he's cuter!
The Nose Knows - version 2.0
Planted By: TrailTroll
Find Date: 4/22/2007
Find #: 43
Comments: Very cute stamp! Very nice park and fun clues. This is a "revamped" box of the original box that was planted here by Delirium. That box moved out of state with Delirium. TrailTroll liked it so much she resurrected it. I never saw the original box, but I'm sure this does it justice!
Claude Allison
Planted By: theresa
Find Date: attempted 3/18/2007
Find #: n/a
Comments: Tried unsuccessfully to find these two boxes. Really didn't think they'd be there, since there were so many "attempted" listings on LbNA and no finds. I really wish that planters would update their clues or archive the boxes when the boxes go missing or they decide not to be active letterboxers anymore. Very annoying!
Planted By: clickermom3
Find Date: 3/18/2007
Find #: 42
Comments: Very cool stamp! Found this one on our second attempt. Someone found this box last week on the same day we were looking for it. We originally thought the hiding place was frozen, but it turns out that place wasn't the right place after all. We did look in the place that it really was too, but it wasn't there last week. So, now we think that the box was "checked out" when we were there looking for it. Had to come back for Lovebirds and Laika anyway so no big deal. Great stamp. Worth the return trip.
Planted By: Clickermom3
Find Date: 3/18/2007
Find #: 41
Comments: Awesome stamp carving! Again, second attempt for this one. We followed the wrong set of trail numbers for this one. Dumb! We met a cool Bull Mastiff while stamping in. Lots of people here today.
Planted By: vassar
Find Date: 3/18/2007
Find #: 40
Comments: Found it! Second attempt for this one, but we succeeded, finally. Helps if you follow the right trail! That's what we get for trying to "cheat" and find multiple boxes at the same time. Made a bad assumption and suffered for it. Very cool carving! Worth the second trip.
The Lion King
Planted By: J-Walkers
Find Date: 3/11/2006
Find #: 39
Comments: Another lesson for us about reading clues. This time we took them too literally and got off track. Eventually found the right place. Very sloppy, muddy spring day. Also tried to find Lovebirds, Laika and Strongheart boxes today, but no luck. We were trying to find all three of these boxes simultaneously. That didn't work out so well. We accidentally followed the wrong trail numbers for Lovebirds and Laika and couldn't find the right places. The place that we thought the Strongheart box was hidden was still frozen solid and we couldn't get in.
Here's Looking For You, Kid
Planted By: J-Walkers
Find Date: 1/7/2007
Find #: 38
Comments: Awesome stamp! I really gotta learn to read clues better! I missed a major one and started from the wrong place. Found a weird tree with a bunch of shoes thrown into it. We eventually found the right starting point and found the box. Nice walk. Check out the sweet trees back here when you go. Very interesting! I don't think I've ever seen these kind of trees before. I don't know what they are, but they're cool looking.
Go Team - Hoop Roll!
Wildflower box #1 - Sagebush Buttercup
Planted By: The Pug Posse
Find Date: 12/26/2006
Find #: 36
Comments: I've been to Colorado every Christmas in the past 10 years. Never, never in that time has there been any more than a couple inches of snow. Whenever it has snowed, it evaporated so fast it wasn't ever an issue. So, what happens the one Christmas I go to Denver when I now know about letterboxing? Snow, snow, and you guessed it, more snow. I've never seen so much snow in my life. My flight into Denver was delayed by 2 days due to snow, my flight out of Denver was delayed, rescheduled and rebooked for the original time due to snow. And my hours and hours of research and reams and reams of pages printed about awesome letterboxes in the Denver area pretty much went to complete waste. I told my sister-in-law all about letterboxing, got her all excited about it and selected several boxes to go find the day after Christmas. I am not even going to list these boxes as "attempted", because it's not my fault I couldn't find them. There was really just no way with several feet of snow on the ground! What a disappointment. We did manage to find this box because the city was nice enough to plow the sidewalks in the park. We did have to run around like idiots making tracks in all the snow around all the trees in the area to obscure our path. Very nice stamp. Clever clues. At least I didn't leave Colorado empty handed! It better not snow next Christmas, though!
Season's Letterbox
Planted By: Sealpoint
Find Date: 12/2/2006
Find #: 33-35
Comments: This was a four part series, one stamp for each season of the year. We didn't find the "spring" box while we were here the first time. We didn't bring the compass, but didn't need it until the last part of the clues. We had a pretty good sense of direction and knew approximately where we should be looking. But, in any case we looked by every single "lone big tree" within reasonable proximity to where it should have been. No box! We did see a gigantic buck, though.
Help Me Find My Bloomers
Planted By: TrailTroll
Find Date: 11/25/2006
Find #: 32
Comments: Really cute stamp! Had a very hard time with this one. Found the park okay, but had at least 3 false starts by following the clues to the wrong places. We'd misinterpret them, and they'd seem to make sense for a while and then wouldn't anymore. So, we had to start and stop a few times before we finally found the box. In the end, we conquered it!
Wandering in the Wetlands
Planted By: TrailTroll
Find Date: 11/25/2006
Find #: 30-31
Comments: Very cool preserve, beautiful. Nice stamps, too. We found the first two boxes, but didn't manage to find the third box. We looked and looked, to no avail. There are so many squirrels or other critters here! We kept hearing them all around us. After while, it really started feeling like we were being followed! Weird. On the way from box 2 to 3, while I was rounding a bend, turning a corner and passing a dude coming from the opposite direction, I lost my balance and fell down with a yell and a thump. I messed up my ankle pretty bad and we were only about at the 1/2 way point on this looooong, hilly trail. I had to suck it up and walk the rest of the way out. What we won't do for letterboxing!
Kids Domain
Planted By: Kings and Queens
Find Date: 11/18/2006
Find #: 29
Comments: Nice, easy find. Hugest box and baggie I ever saw! Saw a corner of the plastic bag sticking out, pulled it and it kept coming, and coming and coming! Half expected it to start changing colors and have a big red nosed clown attached to the end. Hard to be steathly with this one! LOL Luckily no one came by!
Ars Gratia Artis
Planted By: silver thorn
Find Date: 11/18/2006
Find #: 28
Comments: Nice and creative clues. Easy find in the most bizarre place I've ever seen, I swear. I have lived within 2 miles of this place for basically my entire life and I never knew this was here. Worth the trip! Nice stamp.
Rouge River Watershed
Planted By: PennyPenny
Find Date: 11/17/2006
Find #: 26
Comments: Awesome stamp! Really fun mystery box. Lots of pre-find work to find the location, but well worth it. Very creative and ingenious placement of this box. There's supposedly a geocache nearby, but we couldn't find it. Part of PennyPenny's playground/park series. This place has an awesome play structure.
Tuscola County Courthouse
Planted By: Trail Troll
Find Date: 11/11/2006
Find #: 25
Comments: There was a contest of sorts on the Great Lakes message board at the end of 2006 between the states of Wisconsin and Michigan to see which state could get all of the counties "covered", meaning there was at least one actively planted box in each county. As part of this challenge I planted boxes in Jackson, Tuscola and Sanilac Counties. TrailTroll was the box planting queen of Michigan. Shes planted multitudes of boxes all over the state. She also planted a box in the last uncovered county in Michigan and won the challenge for us. I still can't believe the odds of what happened, but on the same day (11/4/2006) I planted a box in Tuscola County, TrailTroll planted this box! Our boxes were literally 20 feet from each other! I can't believe in all the places in this entire county, we both chose the (almost) exact same place, in the exact same park, in the exact same city! My box was intended to be a mystery box, but anyone looking at both sets of clues would immediately know the location of my box. So, the next week I went back up to Tuscola and re-planted my box in a different place in this county. While I was there, I "found" TrailTroll's box. I'm not entirely sure this counts as a find.... but, what can you do! Very nice stamp and great hiding spot.
Time Waits for No Man
Planted By: DoubleDragon
Find Date: undisclosed
Find #: 24
Comments: Lots and lots of pre-find work on this one, but well worth it. DoubleDragon planted this especially for me! Okay, not really. She had it ready to plant and hadn't gotten around to it. But since I posted a note on the Great Lakes message board specifically looking for a cemetery box in this area, she was motivated to get the clues posted. The stamp is awesome. I highly recommend this box! Found the Snappin' Memories hitchhiker in this box, too.
Chief Among the Trillium
Planted By: silver thorn
Find Date: 10/15/2006
Find #: 23
Comments: Very cool stamp! Another set of trails I didn't know about. I don't know what trillium looks like and I don't think it was out at the time of year that we were there, but we found it anyway. It was a little hard to figure this one out.
Round and Round
Planted By: silver thorn
Find Date: 10/15/2006
Find #: 22
Comments: Cool stamp. Nice trail with lots of people! I never knew this trail system was there and I grew up here. Silly me! We got "attacked" by four super friendly Great Danes!
Boo To Yoo
Planted By: The Jeep Creeps
Find Date: 10/14/2006
Find #: 21
Comments: Last box on a marathon day of boxing! Getting very dark now! You have to be a monkey or very tall to get this box! LOL We also "found" a geocache sitting right out in the open while we were here.
The Woodie in the Woods
Heritage Park
Planted By: John316
Find Date: 10/14/2006
Find #: 19
Comments: Fun & Easy box. Nearing the end of a marathon day of boxing.
Happy Birthday in May
Butterfly New Beginnings
Planted By: The Jeep Creeps
Find Date: 10/14/2006
Find #: 18
Comments: I never knew this place existed! Gorgeous place! Awesome botanical garden maintained by Michigan State University in the Irish Hills area. Very ingenious hiding place for this stamp!
Intrigue at Aiden Lair
Planted By: Munchkin Stamper (The Four Clovers)
Find Date: 10/14/2006
Find #: 13-17
Comments: This is an awesome 7 box series. Box #2 was reported missing before we went there. We found 5 of the active 6 boxes, but we're about 99.9% sure that the unfound box (#3) was also missing. This is the coolest place I've seen. I highly recommend this series. The clues are very creatively written to make it seem like you have 4 other buddies with you on the find. The park is incredible and according to local legend, haunted. Found the "Get Your Kicks" Hitchhiker in box #4. It was an unseasonably freezing cold day when we were there. Had to be overly patient as we were being "followed" from "landmark to landmark" by a couple being photographed. There's supposedly a geocache really close to one of the boxes in this series but we couldn't divine our way to it.
South Lyon Junior League
Planted By: PennyPenny
Find Date: 10/8/2006
Find #: 12
Comments: Another great stamp and ingenious placement of the box. Gotta be real careful finding this one!
South Lyons Rails to Trails
Witch's Hat Depot
Planted By: PennyPenny
Find Date: 10/8/2006
Find #: 10
Comments: Very cool place! Love the placement of the box and the stamp is fantastic. We thought we were about to get busted while stamping in, but the people turned out to be geocachers and some-time letterboxers and they were aware of this box.
Mo' Mustangs
Planted By: The Dragon
Find Date: 10/8/2006
Find #: 9
Comments: This is an awesome stamp. You have to find seven separate boxes to assemble one completed image. Very fun! Beware of the Missisauga Rattlesnake! I didn't know we had rattlers in Michigan before we ran across one today! If you look really hard, you can see a garter snake and the rattle snake in this photo. The garter snake is along the left side in the sunlight, the rattler is in the shadows under that green patch of leaves. Darn thing moved before I took the photo, so you can't see it that well.
Go To Hell!
Planted By: The Dragon
Find Date: 10/8/2006
Find #: 8
Comments: Very creative and fun poetic clues. Cool stamp. Had to dodge some hunters! Gotta be careful 'boxin in the fall in Mi! It was a great time to be back in Hell. I spent a lot of summers camping nearby and used to canoe to the Dam Site Inn. Terrific food! There was a huge Harley gathering here the day we were there.
Staff Of Life
Planted By: silver thorn
Find Date: 10/7/2006
Find #: 7
Comments: I found this box by myself and I was the first finder. Yeah! It is at an establishment and you have to figure out where that place is, so it's kind of a mystery box. Very nice stamp and the place sells an excellent "live" version of this stamp. Yumm. If you go check out this box, go to the pasty place across the street and slightly east and say hi to my friend Andres. Buy some of the Yooper specials for dinner!
It's A Goal
Planted By: Jeff_Cindy
Find Date: 10/1/2006
Find #: 6
Comments: Felt a little weird heading off into the woods at this place while there was a game going on. Turns out it was a real trail. But, at first we thought it looked odd. Had a little bit of a hard time with this as the clues were a little vague and there were a lot of things that could have "fit".
Michigan Hitchhiker Hostel
Planted By: The Cichlid Guy
Find Date: (undisclosed)
Find #: 4
Comments: Really clever clues for this location, PoPo figured out where to go. Very cool stamp! Much longer walk than I expected. We went here specifically to find our first hitchhiker and were bummed to find none in this box. Someone didn't read the rules! Bastards. ;)
We did leave one behind, anyway.
Faces Of Nature
Planted By: ?
Find Date: n/a (attemped 9/20/2006)
Find #: n/a
Comments: Cool park and good clues. Lots and lots of birds here. Box nowhere to be found, though! We are quite positive we were in the right place, not just confused! (The box has since had several attempts and has been deleted from the LbNA site as of 7/2007.)
Sing, Sing a Song
Planted By: silver thorn
Find Date: 9/17/2006
Find #: 3
Comments: Very cool stamp! We had to fight a garter snake for this box. Had a little trouble finding it, but the clues were very fun and inventive. This box was completely flooded when we found it! Stamp was cracking pretty bad, too. Lukcily, the log book was still dry and safe! We did our best to clean up the box.
Two Little Snowflakes
Planted By: J-Walkers
Find Date: 9/17/2006
Find #: 2
Comments: Nice walk through the park. I loved the hiding place for this micro box. High up in a cubby hole off the ground. Cute double sided stamp. (I'm only posting the photo of the hiding spot for this box, because it has since been moved to a new location).
The Sun Shines
Planted By: TJ_Mich
Find Date: (undisclosed)
Find #: 1
Comments: This was my first find! I'm very proud of this find because it is a mystery box. The clues are pretty much all pictures. We found this box at a completely different time of year than the time it was planted. The area looked much different with the plant growth so it was hard to find some of the land marks. Had to brave poison ivy and patrolling police cars for this box.